
Assembly of printed circuits in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

7 industrialists to discover
On the map

Seules les entreprises ayant souscrit à un pack publicitaire figurent sur cette carte. Vous pouvez retrouver l’ensemble des sociétés sur les différentes catégories du site.


BEAUNE (21200)

Process automation - Hydrogen storage unit test bench - Automation design office - Electronic design office (hardware and firmware) - Hydrogen engineering office - Bureau d’études pneumatiques - Design and manufacturing of customised stoves - Designing and manufacturing of hydrogen storage elements - Design and manufacture of special machines - Design and manufacture of electronic products - Skids design and manufacturing - Design and manufacture of non-destructive examination systems - Designing and manufacturing of hybrid systems - Electrical studies on CAD - Studies and development of test bench - Design and manufacture of electrical control systems - Refrigerating machines manufacturer - Manufacturer of special machines - Coolers manufacturer - Additive manufacturing (printing of high performance parts) - Manufacturing of electrolyzers - Industrialization of products / processes - Industrial computing (system integration / software) - Installation and adjustment of special machines - IOT - Connected objects - Assembly of printed circuits - Electro mechanical assembly - Cryogenic cleaning - Ultrasonic cleaning - Programming of automats - Prototype (electronics) - Prototypes (design) - Prototypes (small series manufacturing) - Decarbonisation solutions - Hybrid technology - Testing of electrical and electronic equipment


Assembly / Wiring - Assembly / Wiring of connectors - Assembly of sub-assemblies / Electrical / electronic assemblies - Industrial automation - Automation design office - Electrical cabinet wiring - Conception et fabrication de câbles électriques - Design and manufacture of printed circuits - Conception et fabrication de cordons - Design and manufacture of electronic products - Electrical studies on CAD - Manufacture of electronic cards - Maintenance of tools - Maintenance of production equipment - Maintenance of electronic products - Maintenance of power electrical connections - Electromechanical maintenance - Industrial maintenance - Maintenance of industrial furnaces - Preventive industrial maintenance - Maintenance of machine tools - Assembly of printed circuits - Prototype (electronics) - Prototypes (design) - Prototypes (small series manufacturing) - Reconditioning of machine tools - Electronic cards repair - Retrofitting of electronic boards and sub-assemblies - Retrofit for moulds - Retrofit for power electrical connections - Machine tool retrofit


VIRY (39360)

Process automation - Automated loading and unloading for production machines - Industrial automation - Automation design office - Electrical cabinet wiring - Design and manufacture of printed circuits - Design and manufacture of electronic products - Electrical harness manufacturer - Additive manufacturing (printing of polymer parts) - Single sided printed circuit boards manufacturing - Laser (engraving and marking) - Industrial maintenance - Maintenance of special machines - Assembly of printed circuits - Electronic cards repair - Retrofitting of electronic boards and sub-assemblies - Machine tool retrofit



Electronic design office (hardware and firmware) - Design and development of mobile applications - Design and manufacture of printed circuits - Design and manufacture of integrated circuits - Design and development of equipment, services and embedded software for public transport ticketing - Manufacture of electronic cards - Industrial computing (system integration / software) - Human/machine interface (HMI) - IOT - Connected objects - Assembly of SMD components - Assembly of printed circuits - Prototype (electronics) - Electronic cards repair - Reproduction of electronic cards - Retrofitting of electronic boards and sub-assemblies - RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) - SMD technology - Traditional technology (wire components) - Component assembly technologies



Assembly / Wiring - Assembly of sub-assemblies / Electrical / electronic assemblies - Process automation - Automated loading and unloading for production machines - Industrial automation - Test bench for electrical production units - Robotic brushing - Design office (implementation of CAD solutions) - Robotic design office - Automation design office - Electrical design office - Hydrogen engineering office - Bureau d’études pneumatiques - Electrical cabinet wiring - Wiring racks / panels - Design and manufacture of special machines - Equipments for assembly robots - Electrical studies on CAD - Studies and development of test bench - Study and realization of robotic islands - Industrial electrical installation - Industrial solutions integrator - Assembly of printed circuits - Electro mechanical assembly - Electromechanical assembly and disassembly - Programming of automats - Programming robots and cobots - Retrofit for special machines - Retrofit for moulds - Retrofit for press machines - Machine tool retrofit - Collaborative robots - Industrial simulation - Robotic welding - Access control systems - Camera control system - Robotic vision system - Gripping technology - Testing of electrical and electronic equipment - Machine vision or robot-vision system



Assembly of sub-assemblies, electromechanical, mechatronic, mechanical assemblies with a volume > 5cm3 - Electronic design office (hardware and firmware) - Mechatronics design office - Design and manufacture of electronic cards - Design and manufacture of printed circuits - Design and manufacture of integrated circuits - Design and manufacture of special camera inspection machines - Design and manufacture of electronic products - Feasibility studies - Manufacture of electronic cards - Mechanical manufacturing around electronics - Industrial computing (system integration / software) - Maintenance of electronic products - Industrial maintenance - Assembly of SMD components - Assembly of printed circuits - Electro mechanical assembly - Prototype (electronics) - Prototypes (small series manufacturing) - Prototypes (manufacturing) - Repair of mechanical assemblies - Electronic cards repair - Repair of electric motors - Reproduction of electronic cards - Reverse engineering - Retrofitting of electronic boards and sub-assemblies - Testing of electrical and electronic equipment


FRASNE (25560)

Assembly of sub-assemblies, electromechanical, mechatronic, mechanical assemblies with a volume > 5cm3 - Winding - Contacting by welding - Dimensional control - Eddy current - Manufacturing of assemblies and sub-assemblies - Mechanical manufacturing around electronics - Industrialization of products / processes - Measuring instruments (maintenance) - Measuring instruments (repair) - Mechanical welding - Micro-winding - Processing of polyurethane materials - Assembly of printed circuits - Post-moulding operation - Qualification of manufacturing processes - Traditional welding / brazing - Sealed welding - Overmolding - Testing of electrical and electronic equipment - Varnishing

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