
Design and manufacturing of form end mills in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

8 industrialists to discover
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Seules les entreprises ayant souscrit à un pack publicitaire figurent sur cette carte. Vous pouvez retrouver l’ensemble des sociétés sur les différentes catégories du site.


PERRIGNY (39570)

Machining tool sharpening - Design and manufacturing of reamer - Design and manufacture of cutting tools - Design and manufacture of precision tooling - Design and manufacturing of complex products tooling - Design and manufacture of cutting tools - Design and manufacturing of forming chisels - Design and manufacturing of twisted drill - Design and manufacturing of special drill - Design and manufacturing of form end mills - Manufacturer of watchmaking tools / Jewelry - External cynlindrical grinding



Machining tool sharpening - Design and manufacturing of reamer - Design and manufacture of cutting tools - Design and manufacture of precision tooling - Design and manufacture of cutting tools - Design and manufacturing of forming chisels - Design and manufacturing of twisted drill - Design and manufacturing of special drill - Design and manufacturing of form end mills - Centerless grinding - External cynlindrical grinding - Surface grinding


VALDAHON (25800)

Machining tool sharpening - Design and manufacture of cutting tools - Design and manufacture of precision tooling - Design and manufacture of cutting tools - Design and manufacturing of forming chisels - Design and manufacturing of twisted drill - Design and manufacturing of special drill - Design and manufacturing of form end mills - Manufacturer of watchmaking tools / Jewelry - Manufacturing of tools for plastic injection - Manufacture of punch-die - External cynlindrical grinding - Radius cylindrical grinding - Form grinding


LE CREUSOT (71203)

Machining tool sharpening - Metallurgical analysis - Mechanical engineering office - Methods office / Industrialization - Design and manufacturing of reamer - Design and manufacture of cutting tools - Design and manufacture of cutting and stamping tools - Design and manufacture of wire tools - Design and manufacture of precision tooling - Design and manufacture of press tooling - Design and manufacturing of complex products tooling - Design and manufacture of boiler making tooling - Design and manufacture of cutting tools - Design and manufacturing of twisted drill - Design and manufacturing of special drill - Design and manufacturing of form end mills - Electrostriction - Cutting tools manufacturing - Marking tools manufacturing - Manufacture of foundry tools - Manufacture of punch-die - Powder metallurgy - Polishing - Polishing (grinding) - Centerless grinding - External cynlindrical grinding - Internal cylindrical grinding - Radius cylindrical grinding - Gear grinding and toothing - Form grinding - Profile grinding - Deep grinding - Surface grinding - Milling of straight-toothed meshing gears - Milling of straight bevel pinions - High-speed machining / 5 axis /large series (>10 000 parts) < 350 cm3 - High-speed machining / 5 axis /large series (>10 000 parts) > 1000 cm3 - High-speed machining/ 5 axis /prototyp and unit (< 10 parts) < 350 cm3 - High-speed machining/ 5 axis /prototype and unit (< 10 parts) > 1000 cm3 - Hard material machining - Precious metal machining



Machining tool sharpening - Design and manufacturing of reamer - Design and manufacture of cutting tools - Design and manufacturing of twisted drill - Design and manufacturing of special drill - Design and manufacturing of form end mills



Machining tool sharpening - Broaching - Design and manufacturing of reamer - Design and manufacture of cutting and stamping tools - Design and manufacture of precision tooling - Design and manufacture of press tooling - Design and manufacturing of complex products tooling - Design and manufacture of cutting tools - Conception et fabrication d’outils suisses - Design and manufacturing of forming chisels - Design and manufacturing of twisted drill - Design and manufacturing of special drill - Design and manufacturing of form end mills - Manufacturer of watchmaking tools / Jewelry - Manufacture of press tools - External cynlindrical grinding - Internal cylindrical grinding - Radius cylindrical grinding - Form grinding - Hard material machining


POLIGNY (39800)

Machining tool sharpening - Design and manufacturing of reamer - Design and manufacture of cutting tools - Design and manufacture of precision tooling - Design and manufacturing of complex products tooling - Design and manufacture of cutting tools - Design and manufacture of diamond and CBN tools (grinding wheels / straighteners / drills / reamers / rifflers / routers...) - Design and manufacturing of twisted drill - Design and manufacturing of special drill - Design and manufacturing of form end mills


Machining tool sharpening - Design and manufacturing of reamer - Design and manufacture of cutting tools - Design and manufacture of precision tooling - Design and manufacture of cutting tools - Design and manufacturing of forming chisels - Design and manufacturing of twisted drill - Design and manufacturing of special drill - Design and manufacturing of form end mills

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