Manufacturer of wire springs - Flat spring manufacturer - Laser (cutting) - Laser (engraving and marking) - Metalwork - Ferrous / non-ferrous metal products (processing and sales) - Prototypes (manufacturing) - Prototypes (all metals)
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Manufacturer of wire springs - Flat spring manufacturer - Laser (cutting) - Laser (engraving and marking) - Metalwork - Ferrous / non-ferrous metal products (processing and sales) - Prototypes (manufacturing) - Prototypes (all metals)
Cutting and bending of precision metal parts - Multi-slide press cutting - Découpage presse automatique - Traditional press cutting - Tribo-finishing deburring - Stamping - Manufacturer of wire springs - Flat spring manufacturer - Cold forming - Laser (cutting) - Spot welding - Oil heat treatment
Design and manufacture of springs - Manufacturer of wire springs - Cold forming - Ferrous / non-ferrous metal products (processing and sales) - Prototypes (design) - Prototypes (small series manufacturing)
Bending - Design and manufacture of springs - Stamping - Manufacturer of clamps - Manufacturer of wire springs - Flat spring manufacturer - Sandblasting - Traditional welding / brazing - Spot welding - Tapping
Chrome plating of metals - High-precision bending - Chemical conversion (phosphating) - Mechanical pickling (tribofinishing) - Free-cutting < Ø3 mm - Free-cutting from 10 to 1000 parts - Free-cutting from 1001 to 10 000 pièces - Free-cutting from Ø10 mm to Ø20 mm - Free-cutting from Ø3 mm à Ø10 mm - Cutting and bending of precision metal parts - Multi-slide press cutting - Traditional press cutting - Chemical metal deposition (nickel plating) - Electrolytic metal deposition (chromium plating) - Electrolytic metal deposition (nickel plating) - Electrolytic metal deposition (zinc plating) - Tribo-finishing deburring - Manufacturer of wire springs - Flat spring manufacturer - Threading - Cold forming - Serial milling - Shaping of metallic wires - Knurling - Powder painting (epoxy / electrostatic) - Drilling - Folding - Punching machine - Rolling - Robotic welding - Traditional welding / brazing - Spot welding - Resistance welding - Tapping - Weaving/braiding/knitting - Tube processing - Usinage / 5 axes / medium series (de 1001 à 10 000 parts) < 350 cm3 - High-speed machining / 5 axis /small series (from 10 to 1000 parts) < 350 cm3
Design and manufacture of plastic parts - Design and manufacture of springs - Extrusion - Flat die extrusion - Film and sheath extrusion - Profiled extrusion - Manufacturer of wire springs - Flat spring manufacturer - Trimming
Cutting and bending of precision metal parts - Stamping - Manufacturer of wire springs - Flat spring manufacturer