Assembly of sub-assemblies, electromechanical, mechatronic, mechanical assemblies with a volume > 5cm3 - Co-development of products - Dimensional control - Mechanical pickling (polishing) - Free-cutting from 10 to 1000 parts - Free-cutting from 1001 to 10 000 pièces - Traditional press cutting - Deep drawing - Serial milling - Microblasting - Micromechanics - Surface grinding - Sandblasting - Milling of gears rack-and-pinion - Milling of straight-toothed meshing gears - Milling of helical pinions - Tournage 5 axes - Lathe-turning / medium series (from 1,001 to 10,000 parts) - Multifunctional latheturning - Tournage Ø de 20 à 200 mm - Lathe-turning / small series (from 11 to 1,000 parts) - Prototypical and unit latheturning (< 10 parts) - Steel wire transformation - Tube processing - High-speed machining / 5 axis /small series (from 10 to 1000 parts) < 350 cm3 - Hard material machining - Base metal machining - Precious metal machining